It has to feel pain in life i guess to descover that you are going through changes...it has to do one big and important step to let go yourself and be that new person who u are so not used to be...
I ve meet so many diferent new emotion in the least 2weeks that might scared me a bit,but i made the BIG discover!!!! Fear vanished away couse i ve had him holding my hand tight...
I m so not me!!! What i feel now it s so strange...but i enjoy every moment...
I don t really know how it migh be the next day but today i want to feel no more despaire...
I ve made some mistakes...i felt i wont find anymore forgivness but he prove me AGAIN that i m just confused and so not used to get,provide love...fool me!!!
I learn every day from him...good thing though...it s with one step before me...just like i wanted...
He will show me every day a reason to love me and make me smile..he will find 365 new reasons to make me happy...make me the most rich woman of the entaire world...how can i reject that?How?
All i notice now is the fact that i m not that Gabs anymore...i never thounght that i will feel that way...i m not good to express myself or told the world how i feel and how it s look like,what face has love,but he really see all about me in my eyes...
Lucky me,i have the most intuitive guy near me..oh,and i mention that is an ugly guy without a tooth? ;)
Ok...enough with that...things will change now...that is just some kind a promise to myself that i wont slap him 3th time at his face!!!
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