Today i choose to stay near this...today i want to taste how is to live, eat, dress, sleep, talk, think and the most important to feel in white...and i am angel for a moment...and i have wings...and i walk on water...and i don t live in this entity anymore... I learned to choose my words properly and i learned to select what to keep inside my little playful brain...i did this and i know for sure that some parts of me,who i used to protect,now i don t want to keep anymore...
I m not body that has soul...i am soul that has a visible part...named body...
The life in white means to lie down on the grass,look up and see only the blue sky...
Who is guilty for this? The answer is pretty much simple...ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE A PERSON....and i must say...He has His own methods....
Who is guilty for this? The answer is pretty much simple...ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE A PERSON....and i must say...He has His own methods....
Un comentariu:
Multumesc pentru cerul albastru si pentru albul imaculat!Dumnezeu are intotdeauna caile Lui!Important este sa stim ce avem de facut!
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