vineri, 16 ianuarie 2015

When a woman is tamed

"-A venit vremea", mi-am spus, si mi-am desfacut curelele ce-mi striveau pielea.
Am pasit pe un drum anevoios si mi-am lasat acasa bocancii de escaladat sau alte obiecte ajutatoare care sa ma faca sa ma inham la competitie. Mi-am zis sa pasesc greoi. Oricum am imbatranit.
Si am intrat pe acest teren incet, foarte incet. Totul era in control si in echilibru. Dozam pana si bucuria cumva inconstient. Ma simteam utila, matura si responsabila. Construiam cu amandoua mainile ceva.
Nu a trecut mult timp pana sa realizez ca tot ceea ce construiam ma depasea, caci nu mai construiam eu, ci se construia de la sine si rapid. Foarte rapid.
Am fugit. Era mai bine in liniste, cu vechea mea varianta, care era experta in a escalada ferestrele amantilor ei atunci cand sotiile veneau acasa.
Doar ca de data asta, amantul si-a inconjurat bine mainile in jurul taliei mele si mi-a spus-"Sari tu, sari si eu!"
Mi-am zis ca probabil ori este inconstient, ori mi-am jucat rolul atata de bine, incat el este a nu stiu cata victima de pe lista. Il priveam cu compasiune si ii mangaiam parul spunandu-i:"Copile, habar nu ai in ce te bagi!"
Nu pricepea. Se uita tinta in ochii mei si abea clipea. As fi vrut ca si in cazul lui sa pot spune:"-Lasa asta acum. Vine sotia. Povestim maine despre asta in liniste. Acum trebuie sa fug." 
As fi vrut sa rostesc doar vorbele astea si maine sa nu mai existe. Se dregea el cumva apoi.  
Insa in cazul lui nu era nicio graba. In cazul lui, sotia nu intra, temerile nu incapeau, abandonul nu era resimtit, privirea nu se abatea. Era inca acolo, uitandu-se tinta in ochii mei.
Era infricosator, dar am mai zabovit acolo. Cred ca imi placea cum imi cuprindea talia.
Mi-a dat drumul la un moment dat si a venit langa umarul meu zambind. Statea drept si de neclintit si mi-a spus:"Hai sa pornim. O sa fie un drum dezastruos, dar eu sunt curios peste ce dam. Tu?"
Iarasi m-am speriat. Atacasem si inainte, fugisem si inainte, ma eschivasem si inainte. Acum nimic nu mai dadea roade. Pierdeam controlul si devenea obositor sa il pandesc. Era inca acolo, cu ochii aia mari si luciosi si zambea continuu.
M-am instrainat de vechea mea versiune, tot treptat. Incet, incet. Pe nesimtite. Predasem controlul, armele, oboseala si bagajul. Nu le-a carat bucuros insa. Le-a lasat jos si m-a intrebat daca sunt chiar necesare in drumetie. Pana atunci nici nu-mi trecuse prin minte ca le pot lasa jos, ba mai mult, ca pe drum nu o sa mai am nevoie de ele.
Lasasem Viata sa-si joace zarul. Chiar si cu riscul de a fi vulnerabila, obosisem si el parca era totdeauna cu un pas inainte sa imi fereasca piciorul de pietre. Parca intodeauna era in mintea mea. Simteam cumva ca face parte din mine. Si asta se simtea grozav.
M-am predat. M-am predat efectiv. Incet, dar constient.
Era infricosator. Era grozav. Era crestere.

Ne-am extins.
Iar acum este etapa in care simt sa valorific asta, sa fructific, oferind mai departe ceea ce am primit noi, in urma lucrului in echipa.
Da, se merita !


"The time has come," I said, and I loosened the straps that crushed my skin.
I stepped on a difficult road and I left the boots to climb or other helpful items to make me harnessed to competition. I said to walk slow. Anyway I am getting old.
And I went on this ground slowly, very slowly. Everything was in control and balance. To curb, for me was a must. I was planning even the joy, somehow unconscious. I felt useful, mature and responsible. To built with both hands something, was amazing.
It did not take long to realize that everything was building beyond me, because I was no longer building, but built for itself and quickly. Very fast.
I ran. It was better in silence, with my old version, whi
ch was expert in escalate lovers windows when the wifes came home.

Only that this time, the lover surrounded his hands around my waist and he said- "You jump, I jump!"
I thought that perhaps he is unconscious, or I played so well my role that it is the umpteenth victim of the list. Looked with compassion to him and I stroked his hair saying: "Child, you have no idea what you're getting!"
It seemed like he wasn’t able to understand me. Stared into my eyes and barely blinked. I wish that in his case could say: "- Let it now. The wife is coming. We’ll talk more tomorrow about it in silence. Now I have to run." I wanted just to utter those words and tomorrow to not exist. He will refit it somehow. 
In his case there was no rush. The wife did not appear, fear not fit, abandonment was not felt, look no deviation. It was still there, staring into my eyes.
It was scary, but I stayed there. I think I like how his hands felt on my waist.
At some point, he let me free. He came near my shoulder, smiling. He stood straight, steadfast and said: "Let's go on. It'll be a disastrous way, but I'm curious what give over. You?"
Again I was scared. I attacked before, had run before, I evaded before. Now nothing was giving off. I lost control and became tiresome to chase him to make a mistake. It was still there, with those big shiny eyes, smiling continuously.
I alienated my old version, gradually. Slowly. Imperceptibly. Handed control, weapons, fatigue and luggage. Not happy he tooked those. Left them down and asked me if are necessary in our hiking. Until then do not even crossed my mind that I can let it down, moreover, that on the road will not need them.
I allow life to play it dice. Even with the risk of being vulnerable, I was tired and it seemed that he was always with one step ahead to forbid my foot to hit stones. I felt like he was since forever in my mind. It feels like he is a part of me. And it feels great.
I capitulate. I actually did it. Slowly but consciously.
It's been scary.
It's been awesome.
It's been growth.
We have expanded.
And now is the stage where you feel to redeem it, harnessing it, offering further on what we have received, following teamwork.
Yes, it is worth it!

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