vineri, 18 februarie 2011

Boom si apoi liniste...

Incotro suflet chinuit? Incotro in lumea asta abatuta si apasatoare? Unde vrei sa ajungi si cu ce pret? Cat esti dispus sa dai ca sa atingi o culme?
De ar conta ceva mai mult ca durerea sufletului... De te-ar rapune ceva mai rau ca un suflet chinuit si fi reusit cum sa deslusesti pasii pe care poti sa ii faci apoi. Ai fi, insa esti legat de maini si de picioare caci intre ale sufletului nu poti sa te implici si sa aduci idei inovatoare care sa iti garanteze succesul si vindecarea. Ceea ce traiesti isi lasa o amprenta si cu cine o poti impartasi? De cine te poti agata? De nimeni care sa te poata umple din nou. De nimeni,care sa te poata face un om nou apeland la incizii si a curata durerea pentru a face loc plinatatii. Si daca reuseste cineva chiar si pentru momentul in care sufletul ti-e amarat.... intreb, poate acea persoana sa si pastreze bisturiul in mana si cu blandete sa taie si sa curete la tot pasul!?! De ce atata mizerie oricum? Pentru ca totul este contaminat. Si cat ai da sa cureti tot, incepand cu tine...
Ce simplu ar fi fost daca nu intelegeam nimic, iti totusi sa te negi sau sa nu te accepti, te face mai linisitit? Poate doar pentru o noapte cand reusesti sa inchizi ochii, fara sa mai fi speriat ca ei sunt in jurul patului tau incercand sa-ti ia viata. Si dormi linisit doar pentru cateva ore gandind ca oricum asta sau nu asta ti-a fost viata harazita. Si te trezesti si apare iarasi durerea si te chircesti si vrei sa iesi din tine si doar sa privesti incontro ti se indreapta trupul si nici macar nu iti mai doresti ca simturile tale sa cunoasca ceea ce sufletul tau din trupul detasat simte sau incontro vrea sa o apuce. Vrei doar sa te privesti...iti sta bine...
Si iti plange sufletul in tine si iarasi nu intelegi nimic si iarasi ajungi la stadiul in care realizezi ca nici macar nu te cunosti.
Si esti depasit...
Ce durere coplesitoare...
Cauta te rog doar cum sa faci ca ce ai fost sa fie fie transformat din argint in aur...
Lasa aurul la lumina...lasa lumina la suprafata!

miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

Collective unconscious- isn't this the proof that we all came from the same God!?

I am amazed by the complexity of our psyche and i am amazed by the fullness and variety of knowledge about God.
Every book you read or every experience lived give us a thousand other ways to perceive, understand and live this life.
We are the one who looks for complexity and we don t sum up into something concrete, but there's it is variety and it can not be denied by those who want to know more but do not know where to grasp it. So obviously ,like human beings we feel affinity in many sides and not just in one, so the variety help us to understand in our own way.
And I understand and I observe that all of them are intertwined-mind with heart, faith with feelings. Those produce real change, but what is more important is what we have in us, not individual, but a collective unconscious.
Carl Jung spoke of the collective unconscious as an archetype. Something old, as we have in our memories since two million years, an old man, lying in the dark somewhere in the depths of our unconscious minds.
All these can not be understood or may not yield evidence that can also be explained, but somewhere in the depths, human consciousness is one for all. Therefore we can understand, empathize, guide each other. Because we all try to find the same thing in unconscious and all human consciousness are interconnected.
Is not hard to see here the impact it has the Source-Divinity. Our origin is there somewhere deeply implanted and it leads us.
And if so, if all have access to the entire human race unconscious knowledge, why we are mobile encyclopaedia? Because we are able to access just in the implicit order just the information that is directly relevant to our memories.
Holographic model in psychology shows that if we look to the the individual human being, we immediately see that a hologram is unique in itself, sufficient to yourself, self-yielding and capable of self-knowledge. If we remove the human being from his planet context, we quickly realize that the human form is no different from a symbolic poem,couse in his form and composition live fixice comprehensive information about the different contexts, social, psychological and evolution during which was created.
We are all the same, but we all relate differently to the Divinity, by prioritizing the spiritual and material.

joi, 10 februarie 2011

When the heart is open the patterns of thinking are vanished

Thinking is a double act. In one hand, we separate, detach us from everything that surrounds us, and on the other hand, we fix attention on a phenomenon or thing that we seeks to understand and to know it. In this sense thinking is a fact of reason, which we try to penetrate the meaning of the object thought.
Three stages can be distinguished,three successive models of the pattern of thinking. Them represent some person's attitude has towards the reality of the physical world, face the reality of others, but also against itself. These successive stages are characterized by certain attitudes represented by sense, reason and experience.
The three stages are not the only moments of evolution of knowledge. They are human different attitudes towards the subject of knowledge, expressing a view. Each of these attitudes give rise to certain "forms of thought" certain "mentality".
So we see how the values created a sense of faith, reason or philosophy gave rise to systems and natural phenomena or stage experience have taught that man does not find truths outside world at first thei aren t find in sense nor in reason. To achieve it is necessary to descend into the objective reality of the facts.
So we see books explaining and understanding the order of reality.
Reality forms the world (including inside or truth values), the areas of scientific knowledge - the physical universe or objective reality (natural sciences), the human world or the reality of subjective (human sciences) and the universe or reality objectified ideas (abstract speculative sciences).
It is thus easy to understand how and why thinking occurs and how to act in conformity with existing theories or in contradiction.
Most people think, analyze information, in Godness area too, as I said, trying to find clear explanations and connections to make them give their concurrence with Him, when what should follow is that feeling that someone described it this morning. The person wonder if it is normal that when he wants to pray, he cannot couse he find himself crying and it could not be stopped. He ask if it is normal to be so. I replied that yes, a disarming heart, a sincere heart to recognize His superiority and to feel small in front of Divinity , to accepts and affirms the God is the head and the is what he is trhu Him, a heart which cries after Him, is everything needed. Nothing complicated, no stereotyped thought patterns and no rituals, He wants a sincere heart and full of love for Him, which is part of you.
To change the way of thinking that you are used with that way of thinking trhu heart.
They key is to open your heart!

When God isn t enough anymore go and ask Him to reveal

All things are based on the desire of knowledge in all her various forms. Perhaps the acceptance or not of God as He is due to this variety, but one important aspect is not looking to find clear explanations, and tangible ones, neither to start the way of knowing God with a deep and huge desire to judge the informations that we have and get about Him. Not to want to tear down with logical explanation, or rather apparent logical, what we get, but rather to realize that God doesnt have always our way of thinking, He is not human. He lives through us our way of thinking and our feelings but he does not make the connections how we do, neither articulate as we do. We discover, as I said, in the sphere of knowledge many levels. And we see the real knowledge which is rational, logical, scientific certainty is established based thru individual rationality and reality through the objective external world.
Then we see faith as a spiritual emotional attitude, an act of transcendence by which man, surpassing the limits of reality data to design a space transreal ,transobjectiv or metaphysics, an unlimited horizon, issued by closing time period, a space that offers plan the transition from profane to sacred, from the perish to eternal.
Then we see, social myths which are constructions, based on collective representations to coexist in parallel with logic and knowledge that often is a continuing trend or a complement by virtue of their fable. They are or an "explanation" of the unknown areas of reality or a "compensation" character in relation to the pressure of reality factors that remain unknown.
And then, the last- creation is the fruit of experience, world knowledge, but knowledge of self. It is the act by which human beings to "reproduce" the world according their trends and aspirations, not as it is, but as a man wants to be. The creation, knowledge is reproduced. Human activity becomes creative, and the source of creation is knowledge. In this way between knowledge and creation is a conditioning that occurs and will result in changing the world and in the end of the man.
From all these, we observe that knowledge phenomena has an intimately connection with human existence. Any knowledge is the result of experiences of human contact with the world.
From where this need to know and to combat the information we get? (and attention!!! we combat depending to the perceive experiences that we had and therefore in a personal and subjective way, so distorted, stopping the progress of observing). From human nature and from the huge desire to be free, with no commandments.
Because the discipline make us angry ,the prohibitions kneel us. We throw everything that we believe restricts us, without realizing that in this case-Divine case, the access fits the man, it is important only that we want. We identify so well with Thomas when paradoxically, some say that we actually created an omnipresent God.
We are called to be like children in front of Him, believing from the heart without question and not couse He wants acces to be able to manipulate us, neither He or the society or the Moses commandments, but to believe His word and to ask in return, what? Revelation. To ask Him to reveal in our live in order for us cannot deny it. A good start would be to be observers, not to give names and labels or anything, but just to observe and to see Him in everything we observ, to ask to reveal Himself to us in our personal and unique way, not through others or society.
There is not about evidence, explanations, history, prohibition or contradictions of Bible or science, it's about starting to get to live within Him in a unique and personal way.

miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

Focusing in the right direction- unconditional love no science and myths

Last time I saw the childish approach of psychology, in terms of divinity. I saw the awkwardness to compare the spiritual with evolution so with the time without making the difference that the spirituality exists with or without the humanity, so not necessarily in temporal space. It is there whether you believe in it or not. And it does not grow on the basis of "in what you believe comes to life", but because there is God and He is revealed both in nature and creation so in human soul which is eternal, immortal.
Besides, it would have been better to just be psychology ages, but what does that have to do with death? Couse beside ages will come a death too. Psychological explanation is related just to God that you use on earth, but after death? Who do you have? Real Dad, promise you things after death, the real Father will support you not just here but also beyond. And how naive is to believe in something, to invent something just for a period of time. I think that people based on their needs did not choose to believe and give birth to something temporary, must have felt to trust in something that lasts, something great and superior.
You know what I think cannot be constantly? Revelation of the Holy Spirit. When it happens, nothing, no explanation in science or history can not contest it.
How much error and how much infantility. Inventing a God, is not cowardice, and feeling of inutility? Is not easier that someone can be responsible for us? No, we do not want independence and freedom, couse we don t have confidence that we can lead our lives, and we know will fail. And if on the contrary, you think you can rule your life. I ask ,in my humble wisdom, why you have not already created one that pleases you and fulfill you with ur own power?
After all, what has to do an inferiority complex or the desperate need to cling to something that give you protection and safety, when God is about faith. Even if you feel nothing or you feel too much,is not about emotions only, is about faith. He is one that governs you, not the loneliness and void.
From where cames this need, to something greater? From what is hidden deep within us, and what can be brought to light. Freud spoke of unconscious, conscious and preconscious. I see in this two parts - nature of us human and God. What you let to take you, to hold in a higher percentage? It's just like the balance. What weighs more? Unconditional love sprang from the God within us or the needs and necessity of human nature!?!

marți, 8 februarie 2011

The truth wresteling with the myth

In my opinion the idea of the myth is not quite according to my belifs. Even so, psychology gives a new perspective when it comes to creation and spirituality so when it comes to presence of God.
I started to invest more in reading new approaches and well finally i reached my own conclusion that i will try to reveal here in the upcomings entries.
Dealing with the issue of birth and becoming beliefs, Mircea Eliade outlines the scale of practical activities and imaginative mythology of prehistoric man. Religious phenomena, morphology and history, are creations of the human spirit and they are closely related to the discovery of the sacred as a constituent of primitive consciousness.
Deciphering the meaning and content of myth is an operation leads to understanding the essence of religion and how man was involved in the generation of historically religious phenomenon.
The myth, Mircea Eliade justly observed, is not a pathological eruption of instincts, but a cultural reality, a creation of the sprite, which, in the perspectiv view of archaic societies, is not "fiction, an invention" but a true history, a sacred one. The mythical thinking is a way of relating to consciousness, a man opened the gate to the world, obviously transhuman divine.
Knowledge is born in the search and discovery. It is a primary trend, fundamental human being inscribed in nature since its creation by the Supreme Creator. Man, a creation of God's image and likeness, is the last time and supreme act of divine creation. God will make the man by his word and reason, making him the confidence of the earth and life and body. This is the end of creation. At first man lives in the Garden of Eden, living paradisiacal, carefree, unrest. And yet he is not free. Doing it over immediately, but God forbids his approach and taste of the tree of knowledge. But man can not resist this temptation. Any ban is provided which generates temptation. Is the curiousity that everyone finds in everything forbbiden. From that moment the man begins to "see, know the world ", he sees different the life,himslef and even God himself. From this point of human life is broken. Knowledge trend will change man, but his relationship with the creator. A new relationship is established between Father and son.
One approach sais that the act of knowledge is not only violating a taboo. He is also a boldness, a over reaction of the human condition. It is a first act of self-affirmation, the independence as non-subordination. Violations taboo will be punished. God will banish people from the Garden of Eden, they will begin a life full of earthly worries, battles, quests, suffering, failures and successes, joys, to end with death.
In addressing the psychological phase of the myth of Edenic match with the idea of childhoodness. Temptation knowledge and taboo violation coincide with adolescence characterized by awakening curiosity, the desire for affirmation and release by compulsion under paternal authority. It's time Oedipal stage. Entry earthly worries in life, guardians and responsibilities marks the stage with her adult life and early history. Psychologists believe that the biblical myth of the Genesis of the Incarnation to time its entry into earthly life is a symbolic history of the human ages.
The history of humanity begins with violating a ban. This temptation is based on knowledge. Next step is to change the world, reality. To build a world comply with spiritual aspirations and basic human needs. It is when man will replace the Demiurge, trying to confront, to match and even exceed it.
By knowing and mastering the world of reality, it will turn into a human landscape, thus ending up losing the natural look you have when its creation by God. Thus, man will be enriched by knowledge. Any discovery but paradoxically, generates anxiety, doubt, uncertainty, anxiety. Life starts to become uncertain. By expanding the knowledge of the world, man will discover he is alone and vulnerable, and in these moments create the myth of divine. This myth give compensatory role with protecting the individual.
What leads me to deny this myth is the idea that this makes God a tyrant who created the puppets and who was angry and frustrated seeing his own creation wanting to take His place. There is also considering free will, but God gives birth mechanic in the mythodology. In addition, the idea of ages seems offensive. Psychology has failed to discover the great truth, namely that thousands of years ago the Bible was written, like another psychology who teaches evolution ages, in another words. Another contradiction is that the need for something divine, superior has existed since the beginning, therefore I doubt that people are aware of themselves and of their vulerability and they have created an imaginary God to protect them. Forced analogy was made between parent and child relationship. Even in family, the father is real and palpable. I wonder what made people to invent God hard to touch and palpable, when they could relate to something tangible, couse they practically need an immediate answer to a real presence.
Finally, I pick up not the senior idea of evolution or science, but the idea of divinity that man has within him since the beginning, knowing more or less, that he's part of something greatest.